Business Communication Training Irvine
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Effective Business Communication
Duration: 1 day
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Course Description
Enhance your workplace communication skills with our dynamic Business Communication course. This interactive and fast-paced course is packed with engaging activities, practical tips, and effective techniques you can apply immediately for instant results. Join us for a fun and transformative learning experience that will elevate your professional interactions.
Learning Objectives
- Knowing what makes a great communicator
- Understanding different communication styles and techniques
- Making a good first impression
- Building rapport with people
- Reading body language
- Listening effectively
- Asking and answering questions
- Promoting ideas and inspiring and motivating buy-in
- Delivering and receiving constructive criticism
- Communicating better with supervisors, colleagues and vendors
- Understanding how communication can define a company’s culture.
Target Audience
Lesson 1: How well do you Communicate?
In this unit we look at what makes a great communicator, and the 4 basic principles and techniques great communicators share.
Lesson 2: Understand different Types and Styles of Communication
Understanding different communication styles is important, not only for tailoring your own communication but for communicating with others that use these styles.
Lesson 3: Communication Mastery
In this unit, we look at basic human nature to get a better understanding of people. This will allow you to become a skillful communicator, with the ability to build rapport and
influence others with ease.
Lesson 4: How to create Clear, Compelling Messages
Nonverbal communication expresses feelings and attitudes that may not match the words. In this unit we learn to use effective language so nonverbal and verbal
communication are synonymous.
Lesson 5: Communication Shutdowns
Shutdowns (or put downs) are a destructive method of shutting down communication, and discouraging healthy debate.
Lesson 6: Listening Skills
In this unit we learn the value of listening before evaluating your current listening skills. We discuss the 4 different listening skills, and identify barriers to effective listening before learning new techniques to improve your listening.
Lesson 7: Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication Skills
First and last impressions matter. In this unit, we look at how to build rapport, read body language, the power of questions and finding the right voice and tone.
Lesson 8: Use Engaging Language
An I-message is a technique used to provide feedback in a manner that avoids judgment or assigning blame. Using engaging language will also improve your ability to motivate and inspire others and gain buy-in.
Lesson 9: Winning people over
In this unit you will learn to speak from the heart (not just the brain). You will learn The 7 C’s of effective communication etiquette.
Lesson 10: Deliver and receive Constructive Criticism
In this unit you will learn the importance of Emotional Intelligence and how to provide constructive criticism. When is it appropriate to provide verbal versus written criticism. We also discuss intercultural communication and the Politeness theory.
Lesson 11: Communication in the Workplace
Here we discuss some guidelines for communicating with co-workers in a respectful way. Communicating with supervisors can be tricky, so we look at best practice for that.
Carol is magical. She made the class fly by. She is smart and passionate and kind. Her class was so thoughtful on all subject matters that I want to send my assistant here to take her class and even speak to my HR department about possible group sessions for other colleagues. What she teaches is often over looked with the newer generation of people and she offers value for any growing or tenure professional. Erica Denning, Sega |
I have sent several of my coworkers to this company for training before I came to a class myself. They all raved about the class material, the instructors and how much learned from taking the classes. I would whole-heartedly agree and will make sure to tell everyone that ever needs to take a training class to come here. Juana was wonderful. She listened well, made examples that were appropriate to my life and needs and took the time to work on the difficulties that I specifically had. I can't say enough good things about the instructors. I am walking away from the class with skills that I can really use. Karen Nelson, Family Health Network |
The instructor was amazing! She got us involved and had real-world experiences to help us retain the knowledge and see the bigger picture. I would definitely take a class again at Training Performance and absolutely take a class with this instructor Jeannette again! Wendy Schneider, Radiant Solutions Corp. |
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